For years, the general rule dieters followed was: If you want to lose weight, keep your carbohydrate consumption low. The rationale is that carbohydrates eventually lead to calories so with less of those in your system, the fewer you can store as fat. Recent studies, however, have completely debunked this school of thought. Nowadays, the idea is this: Slow, not low.
Why Low Carb Diets Don’t Work
Simply put, carbohydrates are essential for the body to function properly. Cutting them out will result to an SOS cry from your system — which means that you’ll actually crave them more. This is why people who go on a low-carb diet eventually gain back the weight they lost after sticking to a “healthy” lifestyle became too much. That is the truth about low-carb diets.
Of course, that doesn’t mean that carbohydrates are good and that you should load up on them. The truth about low-carb diets is this: There are different types of carbohydrates, and their usefulness comes down to their kind.
For example, rice is considered a carbohydrate but as a dietician, I only recommend eating brown rice (or whole grains such as quinoa, buckwheat, and millet) rather than white rice because their dietary components are very different. To make this example more distinct, compare ice cream and whole-wheat bread. They’re both carbohydrates, but you can hardly lump them in the same category, health-wise.
ALSO READ: Carbs vs Protein, Get the Balance Right
The Significance of Slow
When it comes right down to it, your focus should not be on eating fewer carbohydrates but rather, eating the “right” carbs or the ones that have a slow burn. Slow carbohydrates provide your body with a steady stream of energy that can be utilized throughout the day so that you don’t suffer from “crashes” that usually come from sugar overload. This means you won’t find yourself growing overly tired even before the day ends.
Another significance of slow carbohydrates is that they allow you to feel fuller for longer periods of time. Hence, you won’t have these nagging cravings during the day that only make you consume more food. Typically, slow working carbohydrates are also low in sugar and high in fiber. This helps with the digestive system, reduces any chances of cancer, and prevents spikes in insulin levels.
Food with Slow Carbohydrates
Generally speaking, all vegetables are an excellent source of slow carbohydrates. Green and leafy vegetables specifically are excellent, not just as a carbohydrate source. They pack a broad range of essential vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting nutrients too.
What you should avoid are processed carbohydrates or basically anything made from white flour. Those laced with sugar must also be removed from your list because these are the ones that eventually turn into belly fat. Yes — consuming them in small amounts is okay once in a while to indulge yourself but primarily, your carbohydrates should be based on plant food.
Simply put quality instead of quantity. Yes, some vegetables may be packed with carbohydrates compared with bread, but consider other contents that come into play. While white bread is processed and stripped of any dietary fiber and minerals necessary for the body, vegetables come whole and contain both vitamins and minerals.
There are four types of carbs today: green, yellow, red, and white. You can eat as many as you wish of green carbs while yellow carbs (whole grains) are best eaten in moderation. Red carbs (starchy vegetables and sugary fruits) must be eaten in limited amounts, and white carbs (refined, white flour, sugar, rice, etc.) must be avoided entirely.
If you are serious about living a healthy lifestyle while eating delicious meals and losing or maintaining weight the healthy way, CLICK HERE!
Thanks for reading. I hope this information was helpful. Until next time!

Amy Goodrich
Crazy cat lady, life and food lover, certified biologist, and holistic health coach.
FIRST – THANK YOU for all the effort you put into all of this…
Second – QUESTIONS GALORE whirring about in my head…
you cant throw out a statement like – –
-“There are four types of carbs today: green, yellow, red, and white”-
And expect people like “ME” (novelist-100%) to truly understand.
Maybe I read TOO MUCH of TOO MANY things – one saying avoid carbs (not 100% but avoid) – you saying eat certain carbs (not 100%).
I have been diagnosed with diabetes in early 2015 – I was pre-diabetic for years according to lazy DRs – now I even have neuropathy in both feet.
Long story short DR feels that I can reverse much of the Diabetes with diet – “LOW Carb” – Heavy Protein Diet…
YES I am over weight – Physical health has been bad for years – bad hip, hard to walk – – Yes NO EXCUSE for the weight gain – ZERO Health care…
SO I know I am NOT asking you to truly comment on the Medical advice –
I do a bariatric meal replacement shake /2g sugar – (soy based) –
I started mixing 50/50 with a 100% plant based protein shake (5different plant proteins) 0sugar 5carb-
DR knows I am mixing these – and that I do my own thing of sorts…
I test my sugar 2-3times a day –
WHEN I am truly focused into doing this my carbs are about 30-50g a day – my sugar levels will be 85-115…
Many other holistic sights will also mention about reversing the diabetes through diet… SO – in your “opinion” which of these plant carbs would work for me…??
I saw your Ginger Bug – BUT made with sugar…
IF I were to do this also – will the sugar be too much for me – OR – should I try it and keep my eye on my levels…
AGAIN THANK YOU for you work and help
~Confused & Needing Direction~
Hi John, Thanks for reaching out and sharing your story. With all the info available on the internet it is only normal you get confused…. to be honest you are not the only one. If you are diabetic you know all about the importance of the quality of carbs… for you the carbs coming from veggies are the best source and if you have diabetes type II then indeed nutrition and watching your diet can help you to cope or reverse it.
As for your question about the ginger bug… the friendly bacteria feed on the sugar and there is none or not much left in the bug itself. when you make sodas with it they don’t taste sweet at all. But like you mentioned it may be wise to check your levels just to be sure.
Hope this helps. Take care and enjoy the rest of the week.