People are often unaware that their body needs to maintain a certain pH level. The body’s desired pH of the blood is around 7.4. Though we cannot change the pH of our blood because only a slight difference in the blood’s pH would lead to death, we can make sure our body’s internal systems have to put less effort in maintaining the right pH.
This will take the stress away from our liver, kidneys, lungs and other internal systems that help to eliminate acidic material to keep our blood pH stable and prevent certain diseases, cancer included, and death. Today most people are relying on processed and fast food which leaves acidic residues in our body. This condition makes them unhealthy and susceptible to diseases and weight gain.
The solution? Do things that can bring back the balance. Helping the body combat the overload of acidic materials entering the body and putting less stress on our internal systems by consciously adding more alkaline-forming foods to our diet is the best approach to solving the problem.
Thanks to living an alkaline lifestyle my husband was able to come off his weekly sick-making interferon injections to control Multiple Sclerosis (MS). He has been drug-free for over 3 years without having a single MS flare-up. Furthermore, living an alkaline and stress-free lifestyle has enabled me to control my inherited heart rhythm condition and high cholesterol levels. Again without the need for harmful medication. FOOD IS OUR MEDICINE!!!!
To learn more about the acid-base balance of our body and why it matters, read my previous blog post HERE.
Ways to Alkalize Your Body
To start with, keep a close eye on what you put in your mouth on a daily basis. Secondly, stress must be kept at healthy levels. Here are details on these plus other ways of alkalizing your body.
1. Eat more alkaline fruits
Try eating more fruits because they can help counteract the effects of acidity. You can have lemons and limes from the citrus family. Berries have also proven helpful for this purpose. Try avocado as well for its fibrous flesh. Fiber adds weight to waste matter for easy defecation.
2. Spice up your dishes
Some spices are recommended for the same effect. Try garlic and ginger. If, however, one of these worsen what you feel in your stomach or the rest of your body, stop consuming it.
ALSO READ: Ginger and Medical Condition: People Who Should Not Take Ginger
3. Go easy on the coffee
Coffee and other caffeinated foods or drinks have an acidifying effect. Try to limit them as much as possible and make sure to drink enough water when consuming your cup of coffee. This will help flush out more of the acidic residues it leaves in your body.
ALSO READ: 5 Healthy Alternatives To Coffee You’ll Love
4. Up your greens
Wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach and most other vegetables all have an alkalizing effect on your body. make sure 60 to 80 percent of what you eat on a daily basis consist out of fresh alkalizing fruits and veggies.
Scroll down for more tips and tricks to alkalize your body

5. Eliminate processed foods and sugar
These foods contain unnatural chemicals and have an acidifying effect on the body. Avoid them. Sugar- or carbohydrate-rich foods should also be avoided. Carbohydrates turn into sugar during digestion.
ALSO READ: 5 Easy Ways To Avoid Sugar And Add Years To Your Life
6. Get your stress levels under control
Stress increases acidity levels in the body. The same is true with starvation and lack of sleep. Natural ways of relieving stress include doing yoga, meditation, and having a nice conversation with friends and families.
ALSO READ: 5 Easy Breathing Techniques to De-stress Your Lifestyle Within A Few Minutes Each Day
7. Water, the fountain of life
Drink water to lessen the concentration of acids floating around your body. But don’t drink too much each time because it will cause water to occupy a lot of space inside, a condition that can further aggravate the acidic situation inside your stomach.
8. Move your body
Try to move even though you are working in the front of a computer most of the time. It does not have a direct effect on what’s happening in your stomach. With this, you are just trying to be natural, because the natural tendency of the human body is to move. Moving your body also allows it to release harmful gases inside.
ALSO READ: 20 Great and Fun Ways To Get You Moving During The Day
9. Avoid alcohol consumption
Let’s not forget people who consume alcohol. Alcohol, aside from its intoxicating effect, induces acidity. If you can’t stop it, try consuming less and less. When you drink, your body can tell you how much is too much, just like when it does when the pH level goes down out of doing the wrong things we’ve discussed above. Remember, your body is your ultimate pH measuring stick.
ALSO READ: Alkaline Eating Tips and Tricks To Improve Weight and Overall Health
Thanks for reading. I hope this information was helpful. Until next time!

Amy Goodrich
Crazy cat lady, life and food lover, certified biologist, and holistic health coach.